Friday, June 14, 2013

32 Weeks and Feeling PREGNANT

I was beginning to wonder when i would really start to feel pregnant. Not that i havent felt pregnant for the past oh 20 weeks or so, but i feel like i have been lucky enough to avoid many of the said pregnancy pitfalls..swollen feet, waddling etc. That all seemed to change this week, I think my belly has stretched so much and the little lady continues to grow so rapidly, that i am now flat out UNCOMFORTABLE.

1. Bruising near the top of my ribcage. Goodness gracious, i feel like i got punched in the belly! Im not sure if this is baby M's favorite place to hang out, or if she delivered a swift kick to the area at some point and now im feeling the after effects.

2. NO abdominal strength. I had noticed my ability to get out of bed, or sit up after a quick nap in my chair at work, was waning. Now it is a full on production to perform these once simple tasks. Bless my husband for seeing me struggle and helping to push me up, even in the middle of the night when im racing to the potty. I will never again look at my abs and not appreciate them for all they do for me!

3. Decreasing desire to work out. For most of my pregnancy i have maintained a solid 3-4 times per week workout regimen, usually with a 30-45 minute strength video followed by 30-45 minutes of vinyasa yoga. This week i have really been struggling with yoga, movements are much harder, i feel fatigued, and overall discouraged. I love the way i feel after im all stretched out, so i have been sticking to the short 15 minute version instead of the longer sessions. I am also struggling to get through the normal workout videos i had previously been breezing through. I am proud of my self for staying active this long, but i think the workout videos and vinyasa yoga will soon be replaced with walks through the neighborhood and gentle yoga sessions.

4. Its HOT. I know its summer, and i know its supposed to be hot, but there is something about carrying around and extra 20 or so pounds that makes it that much more miserable. My maternity wardrobe is limited, so my one pair of maternity shorts and couple of maternity dresses are getting me through most weeks.

Those are the bad things i have been feeling, but i assure you there are many MANY more good things that i am feeling now that we are getting close to finally meeting Baby M!