Friday, October 19, 2012

Recent Happenings and Fredricksburg Recap

Well its been a while since I posted about personal things, so lets get right to it. I left off with getting ready for the movers to come in Phoenix, well they did!

I couldn't believe the size of the truck! When they pulled up, i was a little worried about how they were going to fit everything in the truck, considering we were the third house in the one truck! I have moved a handful of times, but this was the first time we have used professional movers. It was a weird feeling actually, i felt weird sitting and watching the three guys disassemble all of the furniture, carry all the boxes and load them into the truck. So, i picked the shellac off of my nails and offered them water periodically. Yes,  it was weird. After things were all loaded up, i headed down to Tucson to stay with my parents. We hit the road on the next day and headed to Texas!

Our trip started off bright and early, which of course warranted a stop at Starbucks! We both got grande coffees. I snacked on a Luna bar for breakfast. We had also packed turkey sandwiches for lunch. In between, i consumed my weight in trail mix. I know I'm not the only one who can relate to this, but once i start with the trail mix, I.CANT.STOP. Its bad, really bad.

After about twelve long hours in the car, we arrived at our destination for the night, Fredricksburg, Texas! We had previously passed through this charming small town on another road trip to Houston, and my mom has always wanted to stop and spend some time exploring ever since. It happened to be Oktoberfest that weekend, so the small town was getting geared up for the big festival.

We checked into the hotel, freshened up our make up and headed out in search of some traditional German food. We were warned at the hotel desk that most places closed at 9 pm, so we were kind of in a time crunch. We stumbled upon this restaurant on Main Street, Auslander.

Apparently the word Auslander means visitor in German, very fitting considering it seemed to be a big tourist spot. Sadly, I'm still getting in the swing of taking pictures of all of my meals, so i don't have a picture of this one. Ill do my best to describe it, beer battered mushrooms with creamy ranch dressing and bratwurst with cheese, sauerkraut and pumpernickel bread. On the side, we enjoyed some beers, Hefeweizen for the mama and Blue Moon for myself. Two words, FRIED GOODNESS! This is totally not my usual fare, but every now and then it is nice to indulge in some of the crispy fried stuff!

The next day, we were up bright and early to head out to explore the town. We headed up Main Street, and our first stop was at the Pacific War Museum.

 We didn't do the tour, but it is definitely something i would like to do at some point. Next we headed a little further up the street, and stopped into the Fredricksburg Pie Company.

Nothing like the smell of delicious, warm, buttery pies at 10 am! The shop also had cute quilting things, antiques, nick-knacks, cook books, dishtowels, dishes and so many other cute things!

There were so many cute shops, we quickly realized we just weren't going to have the time to get to them all! A few of the highlights were the Fredricksburg Winery, where we sampled some wines and ended up buying a spiced Christmas wine. Another small shop I cant remember the name of, we picked up some Peach wine! So so yummy!

The Chocolate Shop, where we sampled some of their signature liqueur filled chocolates. I have never been a huge fan of Baileys, but wrap it up in some luscious dark chocolate to create a little exploding Baileys chocolate bomb and I'M IN!

We were running out of time so we decided to grab a Subway sandwich and hit one of the local wineries on the way out of town. We chose Grape Creek Vineyard. It was a beautiful place, we chatted and grabbed a glass of Pinot Grigio and enjoyed our sandwiches on the terrace! Now this is a place i would like to come back to!

We reluctantly left Fredricksburg and headed to Houston (don't worry, we only had one glass of wine and hung out for a bit longer before hitting the road), and after getting stuck in rush hour traffic in Austin, we  finally made it. We spent the weekend moving into our new place, unpacking, doing laundry and cleaning. I was able to hit the gym with mama for a yoga class on Sunday and Pilates class on Monday.

Fast forward a week of unpacking and getting settled, and here we are!

This morning started with a strong cup of coffee enjoyed in bed. Man am i going to miss these lazy mornings once i go back to work on Monday!
Then it was off to the gym for the daily workout. FIT (Functional Integrated Training) was on the agenda for the day. Ill have to do a more in depth post about the gym and classes i go to, but this class is primarily strength training and targets the smaller, "secondary" muscles as the instructor explained. We used a variety of equipment, and though it isn't a cardio class, we still got a nice muscle burn going on!

After class, i gulped a Protein shake. I'm really loving these right now. For one, they are delicious, not to mention pretty decent on the nutrition stats.
Next up: heading to the hospital to get my TB test read, last of the pre-employment stuff and ill be good to go for Monday!
Plan for tonight: Date night with my hubby!

Happy Weekend Y'all!

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