Thursday, January 17, 2013

7 weeks

Originally written 12.17.12

How I am Feeling: Nauseous. The "morning" sickness (quoted because it is not only in the mornings..cant seem to figure out why it is called morning sickness) appeared last week for the first time. I woke up last Sunday morning feeling like i was gonna toss my cookies, so i layed in bed for a while and eventually felt good enough to get up and do the usual Sunday morning Starbucks visit. This Sunday i awoke feeling the same way, but this time i decided to eat something in bed before getting up since a friend told me that is what she heard can help. Hubby graciously delivered a black cherry chobani to me in bed :) Within 15 minutes of finishing it, i felt much better.

Food: I finally got some green leafy veggies in my system over the past few days. Friday i managed to have some wilted spinach with pesto pasta and roasted tomatoes. Last night I sauteed some kale with garlic, olive oil and a splash of chicken was so good! I have realized that cooked veggies are much more tolerable at this point and i am really trying to include some at each meal because i know i need the nutrients. Raw fruit and Chobani have been staples. There have been a couple of days that i dont feel like eating what i packed for lunch and instead i will eat a large bag of grapes and a chobani. I have also been snacking on Chobani, gotta get that calcium in! Lastly, MAC AND CHEESE!!!! That is all i want, all the time. I have always loved mac and cheese, but know it is not the most calorie friendly, nutrient dense meal so i only have it occasionally. I think in the past week i have eaten some type of mac and cheese four times...holy moly! Im just gonna roll with it :)

Exercise: I have been trying to stay active as much as possible, but after a full day at work i find myself feeling exceptionally exhausted. There are days when i feel less exhausted and can pull out a 30 minute elliptical session or walk, or on a good day a one hour Barbell strength class. Since finding out i was pregnant, i have really decreased my cardio exercise (frequency and intensity). I was doing four high intensity aerobic type classes per week. After making the mistake of going on the internet and googling "Exercise during pregnancy", i have been a little timid on getting my heart rate up. I found that wearing my heart rate monitor was actually making me more nervous and hindering me from enjoying a workout because i was fixated on the numbers. So i have not been wearing it and just listening to my body. If i get to the point where i cant say a sentence without pausing for a breath, i know i have gone too far. Yoga is still an area i am apprehensive about. I have done some research about what poses are recommended and which ones are not which has helped but also caused more anxiety. I read that no forward bends are recommended because it stops oxygen supply to the fetus...Oh my gosh! So i have been taking modified forward bends (not stretching as deeply), avoiding inversions, closed twists, and intense abdominal work (i.e. boat, side plank etc).

Other news:
First ultrasound was last Thursday. What a neat experience! We got to hear the heart beat which was by far one of the coolest things i have ever seen.

Just found out one of my best friends is pregnant as well. We will only be a few weeks apart and will get to experience pregnancy together. What a blessing to be able to go through this with one of my best friends!

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