Monday, October 1, 2012

Making the Move

Good morning! Welcome to Doing the Dietitian Thing! After many half written blog posts and countless hours of thought, I have finally decided to take the plunge and join the blog community. I feel like I was a little late on discovering the wonderful world of healthy living blogs,  but I quickly became enthralled with reading about what other people eat, how they exercise, what they do for fun, and best of all the new recipes! I hope this blog can be a place to share my life, experiences, recipes, exercise, nutrition and anything else that may come up! 

So lets get right to it.....

You get to join me in an interesting and exciting week of my life. To sum it up, I quit my job and am moving back to TEXAS this week! More on the background of that to come :) So with that, my eats and exercise routine have been a little off this week since my kitchen now resides in large boxes peppered throughout the house! 

I stopped by Trader Joes last night after a much needed yoga sesh to pick up some premade salads to get me through the next couple of days! Last night, I enjoyed a wheatberry, butternut squash and roasted red pepper salad. It tasted absolutely amazing, and for $3.50, I felt like I got a whole lotta vitamins baby! After some more packing, more laundry and a refreshing shower, I settled in with a new to me evening snack....Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Instant Coffee! It was good, but not what I expected (I was hoping for a homemade PSL in my cup and it just wasnt happening). Dont worry, im sure i will still drink the rest of the packets ;) Oh and on the side, i enjoyed a dark chocolate sea salt caramel Dove so so good! 

I got to sleep in this morning, no work today just going in to turn in my ID badge, keys, pager etc and finish up with some paperwork. I woke up a little before 7, which is pretty good for this girl (Im ecstatic if i make it to 7!) I made a beeline to the coffee maker, as usual, and poured a steaming cup in my favorite mug...err bowl :) I recently made the transition to 1% milk from sweetened creamers...I know im such a big kid! But really, I just felt like that was one area I could cut out some added sugar and not miss it too much, cause lets face it, im not cutting out the good stuff (think brownies, cookies and ice cream). I really havent missed the flavored creamers and getting some extra calcium in the morning is a good thing! 

On the menu this morning, a luna bar! 

I have a slight obsession with these and they keep me full for a good 3-4 hours which usually gets me to lunch time! I know they have some extra stuff on the ingredients label that may be hard to pronounce, but they also have a good mix of carbs, protein, fats and vitamins. Not to mention, no dishes required, which is essential right now! 

On the agenda today: more laundry, more packing and getting ready for the movers to come in the morning..eeeeekkkk!!!!!

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