Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Some of my favorite (food) things

Hello Hello!

Made it through another day of work and traffic! I'm planning to head to the gym tonight for one of my favorite classes at Lifetime...STRIKE! Its an intense cardio kickboxing type class that uses a body bar to incorporate stick fighting! Its a fun workout that has really started to shape my arms and back. Cant complain about that!

 So while I'm killing time at home before heading back out to the gym, I started to think about making a grocery list since our veggie supply is waning.  I got to thinking about food phases and how often i go through them. It usually goes like this: i eat the same things for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks for about two months. Then, some kind of switch in my brain is flipped and i no longer want anything that is in the refrigerator or pantry.  I usually hit the Internet (blogs, pinterest, cooking light) for some new inspiration in the kitchen. This seems to be the cycle. Now don't get me wrong, there are always some essentials (ahhhemmm chocolate and ice cream) that always sound good :) So here are a few of the things im loving right now.

1. Whole organic carrots
I used to buy baby carrots and would usually not get through the whole bag. The little buggers just started to taste blah about half way through the bag and that was the end of it. I have been buying whole carrots and peeling a few at a time. They are much sweeter and more crunchy! Aside from eating them plain, i have been adding them to green smoothies in the morning for some extra beta carotene!

2. Cucumbers
I hadn't bought a cucumber in months, maybe even a year or so. Its just one of those things i don't normally think of. I have been putting them in my smoothie for a uniquely cool taste. I also made a delicious cucumber salad, simply combining white wine vinegar and truvia and tossing the cuke slices to coat evenly.

3. Almonds
I always eat nuts when they are out at a party or in trail mix form, but i didn't usually buy them. I have now been taking a handful for an afternoon snack every day. They are filling and give me a good dose of healthy fats for the day. I have also developed a dangerous obsession with homemade almond butter! Just almonds and a dash of salt in the food processor and voila! This stuff is seriously so good, it doesn't last long in this house!

4. 1% milk
Soy, almond, coconut, skim, whole, chocolate....holy milk selection! I have been on the almond milk train for a good couple of years, i love the creamy/buttery taste and the low calorie count. In my attempt to become more frugal at the grocery store, i decided to switch to regular old cows milk. I now use it in my coffee and smoothies regularly! There is just something different about the taste of old fashioned milk and I'm all about it right now!

5. Ground Turkey
This is a good alternative to chicken and fish for a lean source of animal protein. It is easy to freeze and there are so many options to use it for! Some of my favorites are: vegetable lasagna, sloppy joes, stuffed peppers, taco meat and meatballs! We just had sloppy joes the other night and i couldnt believe i forgot how delicious these are! I just googled a quick recipe and altered it a little based on what i had on hand.

What are some of your favorite things?

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