Thursday, January 17, 2013

9 weeks

Originally written 12.31.12

Time keeps flying by, the holidays have almost come and gone, and we will be starting the new year in t-11 hours, and 33 minutes. So far, nothing really new with the pregnancy. We have not been back to the Doctor since our "8 week" ultrasound on December 13. I have to say it is an odd feeling to not be going to the doctor and being checked on. I find myself constantly worrying that something is wrong with the baby or that i may not be pregnant anymore. I suppose the affirmation of getting to see the baby on the ultrasound was so great, now that is my expectation. It is hard to believe we wont get to see baby O until 20 weeks, sometime in March! I have continued to feel sick/nauseated, tired and i guess this makes me know things are still going ok!

Whats new: We finally told friends and family! Having found out a couple days before Thanksgiving, it was tough to wait until Christmas to tell them. We wound up sending frames with the ultrasound photos in them to each set of parents and instructing them not to open until we were on Facetime. The big reveal went really well for all the families which made me extremely happy, and a bit relieved :) Im sure my sister is happy she is not the only one who now knows! I still have not told my work, i am trying to wait until the 12 week mark for that.

How Im Feeling: Same as before. Nothing has really changed, though the mornings are slightly better, but i find myself feeling under the weather in the evening now. I always feel better if i eat, but i am still trying to get used to associating nausea with the need to eat.

Food: I have been able to tolerate some raw veggies, but they still are not sounding too amazing. I also figured out the drinking milk in the morning was exacerbating my nausea. So i have switched from a bowl of Total Raisin Bran in the morning to now 2 over medium eggs with a slice of toast. I feel muuuccchhh better with this meal than with the cereal.

Thoughts: Still nervous, but getting more and more excited by the day. We recently found out two of our good friends at home are also expecting in the late July/early August time frame. We couldn't believe how this all worked out, but couldn't be happier. My best friend in Houston is also pregnant and to say Im excited is an understatement. She is a couple of weeks behind me, so it will be so fun to go through this journey together!

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