Thursday, January 17, 2013

11 1/2 weeks

It seems like it has been a little while since i wrote a little pregnancy update. So here we are, almost out of the first trimester! I had a doctor's appointment this week, got the whole workup with blood work and fun woman stuff. I also got to ask some of the questions i had been wanting to ask as well. I found out i can travel on a plane up until 35 weeks so now we are trying to plan dates for a baby shower at home.

How I have been feeling: Better. My energy levels are slowly starting to come back, although on our ski trip last week i managed to catch the cold that was going around the house. I have had commitments a couple of nights after work this week, so i havent made it to the gym. Im looking forward to spending Saturday morning at the gym. My game plan for now is Strike, Barbell and Restorative Yoga...sounds ahhhmazing :)

Eats: Normalizing. I made a batch of quinoa salad last week in an attempt to clean up some of the veggies in the refrigerator before our trip. It tasted pretty good, so i made another batch this week (quinoa, kale, spinach, sun dried tomatoes, grape tomatoes, goat cheese, balsamic vinegar and olive oil). As for breakfasts, i have really been feeling fried eggs this week. Love the soft yolk when it runs all over the plate! Although this morning i had Total Raisin Bran/Fiber One/Oatmeal with a big scoop of creamy peanut butter. As for veggies, i still dont want salads, but i can now stomach the thought of crunching on some raw carrots or tomatoes for a snack! And sweets...well they dont make me sick anymore, but i still havent been indulging on a regular basis. I treated myself to Baskin Robbins tonight, and though it was good, it just made me feel kind of blah. I think this is a blessing in disguise :)

Whats Next: We have a screening next week where the docs will check the neck measurements etc to check for spina bifida and Downs Syndrome...praying baby O is healthy and happy in there!

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