Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Life Lately

I read numerous blogs daily, but have again neglected to be consistent with my own. I keep telling myself that i will get into a routine and start blogging on a regular basis, even if it is only once a week. Though i find myself favoring playing with the little one while she is awake, and reading, catching up on my favorite TV shows, and prepping food while she is napping. I just cant seem to incorporate blogging into my daily routine. So this is another attempt :)

July 30, 2013 at 1:21 pm, our lives changed forever. Little miss Madison Grace was born and we were instantly enamored and more in love than we ever thought possible.

I have spent the last 6 weeks figuring out how to be the best mommy for baby M that I can be. Sleep has been limited, but the love and joy we have experienced is unmatched. I never thought being a mommy would be a natural instinct for me, but i was pleasantly surprised. I know i still have a lot of learning to do, but i was surprised at how comfortable i felt with baby M and how i knew how to feed, love and nurture her from the start.

So what has life been like lately? Our families have been visiting, which has been awesome. It is so nice to see baby M meet her grandparents, aunts and uncles. Living away from our families has always been tough, so we feel blessed that they have all made the effort to come visit and spend time with our new family of three.

Grandpa O and Aunt LaDonna



Mimi and Grandpa Deni

Pops and Gamma Sue

Aunt Dom and LaDonna

Mimi and Aunt Kelley

A day in the life...

We are still not on a regular schedule since M is still eating every 2-3 hours, so times can vary depending on when she eats, though we do have a sequence of events that we usually do each day.

6-7am: wake up for the day, feed baby M. After eating and a diaper change, Baby M hangs out in bed with us while we drink our coffee, check emails etc.

8-10 am:  After playing in bed a bit, we get M ready for her first nap of the day. Sometimes this is in our bed, sometimes back in the crib.

10-11 am: Wake up, eat, play! When M starts to look tired again, she goes in the car seat and we walk to the gym. She usually falls back asleep on the stroller ride to the gym and then I can get a good workout in.

12-1: I shower while baby M is usually starting to wake up again. After my shower, baby M eats again, we play a little and then back down for a nap. I usually try to do some prep for dinner in this afternoon nap.

3-4: Baby M wakes up, we eat and play again. She usually will not go down for another nap after this. For some reason, early evening is the witching hour and she is pretty fussy. I usually cant do much for dinner prep until the hubby comes home and can relieve me since M is still pretty fussy.

6-7. We try to eat

7-8: Feed baby M, then it is bath time! M loves the bath and it usually tires her out pretty well. After the bath we read a couple of books and rock in the glider. We put on the lullaby station on pandora and have quiet time.

8-9: Getting baby M to sleep. We usually have to stay in her room for a little while, keep putting her pacifier back in her mouth when she spits it out and cries. She is usually asleep by 9.

9-10: Unwind with the hubby.

10-11: Dreamfeed for baby M, then we go to bed.

I have been getting up once in the middle of the night because M can now get a 5 hour stretch after the dream feeding (usually i get up around 3), and then the next feeding is between 6-7 and i get up for good.

I feel like i have a lot more to talk about now that i am busy with a baby, especially some nutrition and fitness related topics. Ill be checking back in soon...

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