Saturday, September 14, 2013

Postpartum Eats

I hadn't really thought about how my diet would change after pregnancy, though i knew i still needed to be careful of what i ate while breastfeeding since the mothers diet can impact the taste and tolerance of breastmilk. Overall my diet after having baby M has been pretty much the same as during my pregnancy, though i have indulged in rainbow rolls and a few glasses of chardonnay! While breastfeeding it is very important to make sure you are taking in enough calories to maintain milk supply (I keep having to remind myself that extra calories from ice cream and chocolate aren't the best). Healthy fats are also key to making sure your milk is adequate for the baby to grow, so bring on the avocados, nut butter and salmon! It is also important to continue taking a prenatal vitamin. Your body will use your stores of vitamins to make sure your breastmilk is supplying your baby with all the needed vitamins, so you must make sure you are maintaining your stores of vitamins so you don't become deficient yourself. We have been lucky in that baby M has been tolerating breastmilk so far, and i haven't had to make any drastic diet changes like excluding dairy.

Typical day of eats:

Breakfast: Oatmega bar, apple and coffee


Lunch: Huge salad with one whole avocado, a hard boiled egg, cucumber, bell pepper, tomatoes (and any other veggie i have on hand), blue cheese dressing


Lunch dessert: high protein cookie


Afternoon snack: apple with peanut butter, two squares of dark chocolate


Dinner: varies- homemade pizza, stuffed chicken and salad, pulled pork sandwiches, chicken picatta, pasta with sausage etc


Dessert: pudding with cool whip, ice cream or skinny cow ice cream sandwich


As you can see, water is hugely important in maintaining milk supply!

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